Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Last Few Things I Learned About Buenos Aires

- I know they put crack or something on the tomatoes here. They are so damn good. And I'm not a tomato person, I can live them or without them, but I go out of my way to get them here.

- They might do this in the states too, I wouldn't know, I never go to the overly fancy restaurants, but here, if you have a high priced dinner, certain places will offer you a complimentary glass of champagne or a dessert liquor.

- There is a pretty solid police presence in the streets, but you don't hardly ever see them harassing anybody. Not the homeless, or minorities, or anything else. They kind of just sit in the shadows.

- The police also drive around with their lights on more often than not. I'm not sure how you know to pull over for them. No one gets out of their way.

- During the bicentennial celebration, they partied for pretty much five days straight. The amazing thing was you didn't hear or see any problems. No drunk morons, no problems, no trouble, it was all rather peaceful and joyous.

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