Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Things I've learned in Buenos Aires so far....

- Cross walks mean NOTHING. I take that back, they mean if a pedestrian is in it, you get bonus points. If I don't see someone get hit by a car during the month I'm here, it's going to be simple luck.

- Taxi's don't have their lights on at night. And they are usually black. So even if you think nothing is coming, the Stealth taxi can run your ass over real quick.

- Buenos Aires never sleeps. I heard people outside hollering at three in the morning. Walking back to the hotel, restaurants were full at 11pm.

- I can't remember what they are called, but those things in European and apparently Buenos Aires bathrooms, that wash your butt after doing your duty? Yeah, those things? Well those things can shoot up and hit the ceiling. And I'm supposed to put my butt over it? No thanks....

- I don't know if this is the same all over Argentina, but they go a little nuts at lunch. Maybe it's just this hotel, but they feed you something fierce during lunch.

- I like empadinhas. Them things are mmmmm mmmmm gooooooood....

- The reputation Argentina gets for it's beef, that is well deserved.

- Despite having some great food, there is some equally not so great food that will give you the "ugly face", like something just took a dump in your mouth.

- The rumor of South America having some beautiful women is NOT a

- guard your wallet. I witnessed a pic-pocket operation in full effect..

- There is many a scam one can fall victim to while walking around some of the sidewalk markets. I just say "no" to pretty much everything at this stage of the game.

A more full rundown of the past events of the last few days coming soon.....


  1. Dude I just spit out my drink on your Bodue (sp?) comment I always wondered how those things cleaned asses I prefer wipes I guess hahahaha glad your enjoying it it's a much needed semi break

  2. Love it, Trav!! Can't wait to read more!
